Personalized Learning Plan
Right now, I’m not teaching students, but we are teaching teachers, so I’m going to focus on how we can personalize professional learning for our teachers during the 2022-2023 school year.
PL Standards: Consider your school context and those instructional elements that you have control over (e.g., curriculum, pacing, activities, assessments, strategies, etc.). Choose standards that you can immediately implement in the next academic year.
Standard 2 - Learner Agency: The candidate teaches and encourages learners to advocate for their needs, preferences, and interests to plan and drive their learning. The candidate will:
(i) support learners in identifying and advocating for their preferred modalities, talents, and interests when co-planning experiences that support mastery;
(ii) create a flexible or innovative learning environment that supports learner agency; and
(iii) ensure learning experiences reflect preferred modalities, talents, and interests when co-planning experiences that support mastery.
Standard 4 - Growth and Mastery Mindset: The candidate defines learning as an ongoing progression by embracing a growth and mastery mindset, rejecting the binary of success and failure. The candidate will:
(i) prepare learners to monitor their own pace and progress and persevere towards mastery, embracing mistakes as learning opportunities; 505-3-.108 Page 3
Standard 5 - Authentic and Adaptive Assessment: The candidate co-plans with the learner to collect evidence of mastery using varied and data-rich performances that are on-going, authentic, flexible, and relevant. The candidate will:
(i) prepare learners to self-assess by identifying, documenting, and defending formal and informal learning experiences to build an assessed portfolio as evidence of mastery;
(ii) consider multiple means of demonstration when co-designing assessments aligned to competencies;
Standard 6 - Flexible Educational Resources: The candidate provides the learner access to flexible resources when co-planning unique ways to master competencies. These include but are not limited to the resources available in the digital content ecosystem. The candidate will:
(i) provide opportunity for learners to seek or select content from a curated menu of educational resources that address the competencies;
(ii) employ engaging pedagogies and research-based best practices of instructional design to curate, mine, create, and organize high impact educational resources and make them accessible to learners;
Standard 7 - Individualized Path: The candidate prepares learners to be aware of competency-based learning progressions and to make informed choices in co-planning a unique pathway and pace towards mastery of the curriculum. The candidate will:
(i) co-plan and co-design with the learner a challenging learning pathway towards mastery while considering the interdependencies within and across content(s);
(ii) use data of previously assessed competencies to coach and co-plan current and future learning paths; and
(iii) facilitate and coach the learner towards independence in mastering the content
Standard 9 - Expanded Collaboration: The candidate values learners as equal contributors in the planning process. The candidate will:
(i) coach learners to effectively collaborate in all interactions (group work, instructional conversations, sharing ideas, critical feedback, roles, peer feedback, etc.);
(ii) collaborate using tools and strategies to acquire real-time feedback and data from all stakeholders to inform curriculum design and improvement;
(iii) build relationships with all stakeholders that foster success, and
(iv) commit to timely personal interaction (co-plan, monitor progress, provide feedback, reflect and celebrate, etc.) with all learners.
Standard 10 - Life-Long Professional Learning: The candidate perceives his/her own learning as a lifelong pursuit. The candidate will:
(i) value and participate in professional learning communities and networks for ongoing growth in personalized learning;
(ii) keep abreast of innovative strategies and technologies that hold potential to support personalized learning; and
(iii) seek and create opportunities as a teacher leader, mentor, coach or content expert within the school, district or state to promote personalized learning.
Goals: Identify goals to address the standards of your choice for the next academic year.
Our goal as a team for the next academic year is to provide a menu of professional learning options for our teachers and to create a professional learning pathway that includes both required PL and optional PL, allowing teachers to plan a professional development path that best suits their needs.
Action Steps: Articulate at least four actionable steps that align to the stated goals.
Spring 2022 - Deploy a self-assessment for teachers and combine this data with the data from a personalized learning observation in Fall 2021 to identify areas of growth.
Spring/Summer 2022 - Create a menu of appetizers, entrees, quick bites, and to-go PL offerings. In progress idea:
Spring/Summer 2022 - Decide which options will be required (we have certain required professional development events throughout the year) and which will be chosen. Within the required options, choice will be provided as well so learners can make informed choices as to their PL needs
Spring/Summer 2022 - Create a pathway in Badgr with the required and optional options, leading to an overall PL badge for the year that, once earned, demonstrates participation in a certain number of PL options. Example of a pathway created for a single PL event:
Spring/Summer 2022 – Load options into PL Software. Software example (teachers can register and attendance is tracked for their PL Logs for f2f schools):
SY 2022-2023 - Deploy menu and associated pathway to teachers
Timeline: Establish a reasonable timeline and needed resources for completing each action step.
See timeline above
Needed Resources
Self-assessment – based on Online Teacher Profile; need link to OTP so I can see what the results look like so I can create a form in our PL/evaluation for teachers to complete
Menu – create offerings based on self-assessment results; some options have already been created/brainstormed
Requirements – discuss this with Instruction and Teacher Quality
Pathway – all resources available, just time needed to create the pathway
PL Options – load them into our PL software so teachers can register and earn credit for attending.
Barriers & Readiness: Anticipate barriers and assess the readiness of your instructional environment to be personalized. Make sure to address the complexity of challenging the barriers.
Teachers already have so much on their plate that adding one more thing can seem like the proverbial needle that broke the camel’s back. The goal is to keep the required elements of the pathway the same as in previous years and to keep the new, PL pieces in short, manageable chunks that seem “doable".
As the teachers complete the required elements and progress along the pathway, they can see that they are closer and closer to the overall badge. Completing a few smaller PL offerings will hopefully seem like a small task/ask, given that they are so close to completion.
A typical barrier to PL is that it can seem irrelevant to teachers because it is hard to plan PL that is relevant to everyone. Choice will (hopefully) alleviate some of this resistance. Because not everyone’s areas for growth are the same, they will have the agency to choose which bite-sized PL they would like to attend and which sessions during the larger, required trainings, creating a personalized PL experience for each teacher, while also keeping with the overall school requirements.
And, of course, the barrier of time – it will take time to plan out relevant offerings and arrange them in this menu format, then create the events in our PL software. The pathway will also take time to create in Badgr and make sure that all options are created correctly in the pathway so the badge awards correctly.
We are planning this now. It has been approved, which is a huge barrier that we’ve overcome and we don’t plan to deploy until the beginning of next school year, so we do have some time to do plan and roll it out well.
SY 2022-2023 - Deploy menu and associated pathway to teachers
Timeline: Establish a reasonable timeline and needed resources for completing each action step.
See timeline above
Needed Resources
Self-assessment – based on Online Teacher Profile; need link to OTP so I can see what the results look like so I can create a form in our PL/evaluation for teachers to complete
Menu – create offerings based on self-assessment results; some options have already been created/brainstormed
Requirements – discuss this with Instruction and Teacher Quality
Pathway – all resources available, just time needed to create the pathway
PL Options – load them into our PL software so teachers can register and earn credit for attending.
Barriers & Readiness: Anticipate barriers and assess the readiness of your instructional environment to be personalized. Make sure to address the complexity of challenging the barriers.
Teachers already have so much on their plate that adding one more thing can seem like the proverbial needle that broke the camel’s back. The goal is to keep the required elements of the pathway the same as in previous years and to keep the new, PL pieces in short, manageable chunks that seem “doable".
As the teachers complete the required elements and progress along the pathway, they can see that they are closer and closer to the overall badge. Completing a few smaller PL offerings will hopefully seem like a small task/ask, given that they are so close to completion.
A typical barrier to PL is that it can seem irrelevant to teachers because it is hard to plan PL that is relevant to everyone. Choice will (hopefully) alleviate some of this resistance. Because not everyone’s areas for growth are the same, they will have the agency to choose which bite-sized PL they would like to attend and which sessions during the larger, required trainings, creating a personalized PL experience for each teacher, while also keeping with the overall school requirements.
And, of course, the barrier of time – it will take time to plan out relevant offerings and arrange them in this menu format, then create the events in our PL software. The pathway will also take time to create in Badgr and make sure that all options are created correctly in the pathway so the badge awards correctly.
We are planning this now. It has been approved, which is a huge barrier that we’ve overcome and we don’t plan to deploy until the beginning of next school year, so we do have some time to do plan and roll it out well.