Intro to Physics
"Physics Introduction" Evernote Notebook
Intro to Physics Google Drive Folder with flipped videos, assignments, notes, labs, etc.
Intro to Physics YouTube Playlist
Additional Resources
SI Units and the Metric System
SI Units and the Metric System Notes Template
SI Units by Mrs. Durden
Metric System on A+ Physics
There is an error in the Metric System Video. Here are the units on a meter stick:
Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation on A+ Physics
Scientific Notation on Khan Academy
Scientific Notation I on Khan Academy (examples)
Scientific Notation Examples on Khan Academy
Scientific Notation Practice Problems on Khan Academy
Significant Figures
Significant Figures, Counting and Rounding by Mrs. Durden
Significant Figures on A+ Physics
Significant Figures on Khan Academy
More on Significant Figures on Khan Academy
Significant Figures, Addition and Subtraction by Mrs. Durden
Significant Figures, Multiplication and Division by Mrs. Durden
Addition and Subtraction with Significant Figures on Khan Academy
Multiplying and Dividing with Significant Figures on Khan Academy
Significant Figures Practice on Khan Academy
Dimensional Analysis/Conversions
Conversions, Dimensional Analysis by Mrs. Durden
Converting with the Metric System on Khan Academy
Pencasts of solving Conversions Practice Problems:
Scientific Theory vs. Law
Science is Real Music Video by They Might Be Giants
Put it to the Test Music Video by They Might Be Giants
EDIT: There is an error on the Theory vs. Law slide. A law can be supported by experiments, a theory cannot.
Accuracy and Precision
Accuracy and Precision by Mrs. Durden
Percent Error and Relative Error by Mrs. Durden
Graphing Pencast by Mrs. Kroutil
Types of Variables Pencast by Mrs. Durden
Graphing by Mrs. Durden
Graphing Lines on Khan Academy
Slope and Best Fit Lines Notes Template
Slope of a Line on Khan Academy
Slope of a Line 2 on Khan Academy
Slope Example on Khan Academy
Identifying the Slope of a Line Practice on Khan Academy